Social media was born in 1969 and began impacting the lives of teens in 1971, when the first email was sent. Of the nearly 3 billion users of Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, millions are teenagers (Facebook 1). Teenagers spend too much time on social networks exposing their lives to different types of risks such as cyberbullying, education risk, illegal activities, loneliness and drama. As time passes, more and more teenagers are attracted to new social networks. Thanks to all these new social pages, younger people can start using the Internet just like teenagers and adults use it and they put themselves in more danger than teenagers since they sometimes use false information to access these pages and are more likely to being convinced that you are doing something wrong or that you are being influenced by others. The government is doing nothing to stop the excessive use of social networks among teenagers and young people. Teenagers today are too dependent on their social media pages and sometimes don't even know what's going on around them. One of the big problems with this overuse is cyberbullying. For example, according to “cyberbullying can lead to anxiety, depression and even suicide” (Cyber Bullying Statistics 2). Many cyberbullies think that bullying online is fun without thinking about the consequences which could sometimes result in legal charges. Furthermore, bullies might even convince them to carry out illegal activities by intimidating them. states: “Never post comments that encourage violence, never post offensive images, never upload photos or videos of yourself or others engaging in illegal activity can get you in trouble with the law, and downloading and disturbing music and pirated films". without authorization is illegal and risks computer viruses” (Illegal Social Networking Activity 1). Teenagers should be cautious and report inappropriate messages or comments they receive from someone they don't know, especially if they have sensational content. Sometimes these types of problems can become dramatic among teenagers. Teens post things about their personal lives, express opinions, or speak badly about someone they don't like or something they don't agree with, which sometimes leads to arguments or conflicts with their families. Putting more personal information into those social pages causes more problems with the owner of the information if someone can access the private things of your account just by using that information. Another problem is loneliness.