If you are thinking of turning the page 'greener', you might consider John Steinbeck's wise observation: “The mountains of things we throw away are much greater than those we use ."Each year Americans throw away 250 million tons of waste, enough to cover the entire state of Texas, twice. Illegally dumped waste can end up in a variety of places, but the largest places we know of are in the depths of the ocean Oceanographers have identified five waste fields in the ocean, the largest is estimated to contain 3.5 million tons of waste, twice as much as most Americans, you've probably thought about these facts and you're wondering. How you can help. One of the great things to know is that you can start small. Look around your home and identify small changes you can make to reduce, recycle and reuse. Reduce. The first step is to reduce. If you go out for coffee every day, consider purchasing a recyclable cup. Forgo the plastic stirrer and add y instead...