Topic > Essay on Inequality in Sports - 691

Title IX was established to help women. This act was supposed to stop situations like unfair media attention, but did it help? According to the article Media Coverage of Women's Sport: A New Look at an Old Problem, “There is evidence that these inequities are not decreasing over time, as Duncan and Messner (2000), in their longitudinal analysis, found the quantity and The type of coverage of women's sports in broadcast media has not changed since 1989” (Cunningham 44). The problem of inequality within the media has been a problem for years and there has been no improvement. It has been said over the years that the amount of media coverage can vary depending on which women's sport it is. Cunningham states, "Several authors have found that women participating in 'sex appropriate' sports (e.g., gymnastics, figure skating) receive better coverage, in terms of length and number characteristics, than athletes in 'sex inappropriate' sports. “(e.g., body building, wrestling)” (Cunningham 44). This statement is not right, because there should not be two different categories for women's sports. All sports are appropriate otherwise they would not be allowed. The so-called “sex” sports appropriate” are not yet getting the coverage that men's sports are getting. Therefore the excuse of inequality within women's sports, due to sports being “inappropriate sex”, is not a good argument which is why women don't get the same coverage. According to the article Visual and Verbal Gender Cues in the Televised Coverage Of the 2010 Winter Olympics, “The production techniques used for men's sports far exceed those for women's sports in several key areas, including editing, camera use and shooting style. Specifically, men's sports were... middle of the paper... were acceptable. According to TITLE IX: Creating Unequal Quality through Application of the Standard of Proportionality in Collegiate Athletics, "Congress had the power to remedy past discrimination, so men cannot claim a violation of Title IX for lack of a complete and effective accommodation if the proportionality requirement is still in effect their favor. Therefore, the court in Kelley determined that the men's team did not have a valid cause of action under Title IX or the equal protection clause” (Ambrosius). 577).This example shows that Title IX is willing to sacrifice men's sports for women's sports. Title IX cannot continue to claim that they want equality and not prove that they really want it for women, but they cannot take away equality from men in the process. It cannot be unbalanced, both men's and women's sports must be balanced.