The purpose of this study was to determine the significant factors influencing unemployment among graduates in Malaysia. The variables consisting of job mismatch, English language proficiency, and employability skills are indicated as independent variables for this study. The respondents were 150 employers and workers in Malaysia. The results showed that mismatch between job demand and supply, English proficiency and employability skills have an influence on unemployment among graduates in Malaysia. All variables show a positive relationship with unemployment among graduates. This study refers to primary data and also secondary data to support the sampling technique. Meanwhile, the researcher uses questionnaire as a method to collect all the data from the sample respondents in achieving the research objectives. While the data for this study were analyzed using multiple statistical procedures: midpoint value, standard deviation and correlation analysis. The result of the study presented in this research agrees that the mismatch between jobs; English language proficiency and employability skills influenced unemployment among graduates. This study can be seen as a preface to a more detailed study that will be carried out in future research on the issue of unemployment among graduates in Malaysia. In Malaysia, 200,000 graduates are now out of work because they cannot converse in English. Organizations choose the right people for the job and the organization so that the majority of candidates have the appropriate qualification. ''Malaysian Employers' Federation secretary Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan said a survey of its members conducted a few years ago showed that 60 percent of them identified poor English proficiency as the main problem with workers. young hires''. Employers are more likely to hire based on… half of paper… whether population would be a pull factor for foreign direct investment. Malaysia would be unlikely to compete with more advanced and well-established manufacturing industries in a liberalized economy that despises trade protectionism. The best alternative would be to strengthen a knowledge-based service sector and this requires good knowledge of English. Therefore, it can be seen that learning English is not just for the sake of social vanity, but is related to our economic survival in the post-2000 era of globalization. The education system should take serious measures to improve the soft skills of students. According to newspaper reports, employers often complain that many new graduates lack vital soft skills such as interpersonal skills, communication skills, negotiation skills, persuasion skills and other vital communication skills..