The technological advances made over the past few decades have undoubtedly changed the way today's society operates as a whole. People are more dependent on computers and the Internet than they have ever been, so their prevalence in life in general has been greatly inflated. However, such an important and prominent tool could never remain unregulated by government authority. Government censorship of the Internet has been an extremely controversial issue, even since “net neutrality” was first discussed. Governments generally support the use of censorship to discourage and prevent access to inappropriate material and other harmful practices, but they further extend the reach of their censorship to influence many other aspects of the Internet; including politically sensitive material and discussions. There are several techniques that can be used to restrict content deemed offensive by a government. This means that the authority of a particular country can effectively restrict access to any material deemed offensive. This is almost inevitable for the citizens concerned and therefore the resources available to them on the Internet are rather limited by these restrictions. Because the Internet has become such a valuable resource, people are unhappy with its restrictions. There have been many protests and reactions against Internet censorship around the world. The morality of Internet censorship has been called into question countless times as, in many cases, it stifles freedom of speech and expression, as well as limiting the resources available to the public. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that Internet censorship has a negative impact on the general public and the global community. Fundamentals of censorship... half of the document... is the interest of both the authorities and the public. ConclusionThe purpose of this report was to demonstrate that Internet censorship has a detrimental effect on society. Governments and groups that practice censorship claim that they can justify its use for certain purposes, but they frequently resort to censorship for many more personal reasons. Censorship has many different implementations and can be used in different aspects of the Internet, but instilling fear of being censored is the most effective censorship tool governments can use. The public has become accustomed to the Internet as a resource and tool and has fought tirelessly against its restrictions and limitations. Censoring the Internet is not very morally correct, as it harms Internet users much more than it could help them. Censorship limits the knowledge – and therefore the potential – of its victims.