Engineering is the application of scientific and economic design and a wide range of other specialized fields of engineering. As an engineer, there are four main different areas of engineering work that I can deal with, namely chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. In addition to these four, the sources separate into other main branches. Considering that electrical engineering deals with the fundamental forms of energy that govern the world, there is a hopeful future in taking this specialization as my future direction. However, what exactly is the benefit of this major? I assume he chooses this specialization; what types of job opportunities I am able to get and various other questions are what concerns me the most. As an engineering student, designing, developing and testing electrical equipment is the main purpose of all time. In other words, the electrical engineer deals with the use of electricity to transmit electrical energy. In electrical engineering there are broad subfields such as power engineering, control systems and signal processing. It is also worth highlighting the difference between electrical engineering and electronic engineering. According to research, electrical engineering is one of the disciplines that deal with electronic systems such as computers and radar, to be more specific, electrical engineers deal with the use of electricity to process information. After understanding the basic definition of electrical engineering, it's time to find out that this is the most important right for me. “If you like taking things apart, seeing how they work, and then putting them back together, this specialization should be a great fit for you.” Additionally, an engineering degree should be a serious consideration…half of paper…technology that works properly; systems engineers rely on their ability to think about a system comprehensively, and applications engineers must be resourceful. Although learning electrical engineering makes the job search much easier, engineers must pass a radical exam to obtain their license. To obtain the licenses I will have to complete a minimum number of years of work. Choosing a specialization is never an easy job. I need to know and understand the specialization first, and then research the value of learning that specialization. Based on my experience, I need to have clear ideas about the topics I need to learn. More importantly, what will my future be if I choose that major as my life direction. As an electrical engineering student, I believe that the technology around us will continue to expand and engineers will lead the way.