Topic > Saudi Arabian Culture and Islamic Faith - 629

The cultures are unique in many ways; it is irregular to see cultures exactly the same as another. While some may borrow parts from neighboring towns or villages, all in all, their unique differences are what make each culture significant. One of the aspects of Saudi Arabia and its culture is how much it is derived from history, faith, marketing, control and the way Westernization affects the country. Other things to be discussed about the country Saudi Arabia is about what is important not only to me, but also how we as Americans identify culturally with the women of the country. The topics covered in Chapter 9 were all relatively new to me, so I would consider the entire chapter as something new that I learned. The first topic covered was the history of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic faith. To know where something is today we need to know where it started, as for Saudi Arabia the country has existed for almost 5,000 years. It is also the 12th largest country in the world and became wealthy around 1970. Islam is considered the second largest religion, second behind Christianity. People who follow the Islamic faith are considered Muslims; this faith is practiced by almost 1.2 billion people. In 610, people of the Muslim faith believe that the prophet Muhammad, considered the last prophet after Moses, Abraham, Noah, and Jesus, received a revelation from the angel Gabriel. By accepting to be part of the Islamic faith you must agree to respect the 5 religious obligations. These obligations must be assumed and performed when deemed necessary. The first is the public testimony or Shahadah, the second is the short prayer or Salah, the third is the almsgiving or Zakat, the next is the fasting or Sawn, finally is the pilgrimage or... half of the paper... the women are those women. don't talk to men, don't go out alone, and even public establishments like McDonalds are racially segregated. In my opinion the way Saudi Arabia treats its women is humiliating. However, I know that women in this culture are used to this and don't consider it considered but just comfortable. Learning how a culture works and is started that is new to someone is what I think the lesson is. International communication wants us to see cultures and learn how they work not only on their own but also in relation to the United States. “Despite Westernization, Saudi Arabia remains faithful to traditional values.” While this chapter of the book contributed to the further education of the country, Saudi Arabia, it also showed how the country is struggling to keep traditions strong in the face of the overbearing influence of the West..