The focus of Huyck & Bouvier's (1983) article “The Global Refugee Problem: US and World Response” was the number of refugees at that time, the reason for their movement from countries of origin to countries of destination, and how each destination country faced the problem. refugees once they arrive in their country. It also provides us with a brief history of the phenomenon of the inexorable flow of refugees and their characteristics in predicting the future movement of refugees, especially in the United States. With this information the authors hope to give the US government time to prepare for future refugees'; for example, what types of assistance programs are needed and what types of refugees they may or may not want to accept into the country. The article “Social Integration and Employment of Central American Refugees” by Marmora (1988) covers many of the same things that Hyuck and Bouvier (1983) cover, but focuses on Latin American refugees. It covers how the Latin American economy brings people to their countries. They discuss how the demographics of refugees and the characteristics of the community that hosts them are related to the success of refugee integration. They also discuss how the role of private non-profit institutional support groups can be a positive aspect for the inclusion of refugees in their new society and how government institutions plan and administer resources and provide security and employment resources to refugees . The article suggests some strategies for creating employment; agencies can act as intermediaries and place refugees where there is a labor shortage or they can plan and generate employment for refugees. The authors' conclusion states: “...any proposal for the int...... half of the article......Huyck, EE, & Bouvier, LF (1983). The Global Refugee Problem: The United States and World Response, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 467(5), 39-61. Retrieved from, A. (2002). Afghan refugee women's experience of conflict and disintegration. Meridians, 3(1), 89-121. Retrieved from, L. (1988), Social Integration and Employment of Central American Refugees. Special Issues of the Center for Migration Studies, 6:142-155. doi:10.1111/j.2050411X.1988.tb00560.xSchultz, C. M. (1994). Promoting economic self-sufficiency: A case study of Afghan refugee women in Pakistan. Journal of International Affairs, 47(2), 557-579. Retrieved from rect=true&db=aph&AN=8951966&site=ehost-live&scope=site