Friends exist in all personality types, some of which you need to be aware of. There are shy friends, rude friends, friends who give, friends who take, busy friends, friends who are always free, best friends and of course frenemies. Not everyone can please everyone, but everyone plays a role as a kind of friend. A friend may not just be a person, but a pet. In some cases a person's only friend is an animal or pet of some kind. Even personal items such as dolls or figurines can be considered someone's friend. Friends come in all different forms. For most, a friend is considered an acquaintance of some kind. There are different ways to meet them and different periods of time in which they become considered friends. Usually a best friend or friend-enemy is someone who has been known for quite some time, and perhaps from childhood to adulthood. A best friend isn't created overnight. For someone to be a best friend, they must first know almost every detail about the other person, perhaps even more than the other person knows about themselves. They have been through good times and bad, ups and downs, and have helped each other through everything. They gave them a part of themselves selflessly and voluntarily. The phrase “they would give you the shirt off their backs” would be an understatement. An enemy-phrenic on the other hand is similar in many ways, but at the same time also very different. These are the friends that people really need to pay attention to, but they are the hardest to distinguish. Friend-enemies will act like great friends to others, but they are actually taking advantage of your friendship in all the wrong ways. These “friends” are definitely people to watch out for if you can, and avoid at all costs. They might seem like the biggest people, but once... middle of paper......, but in most cases it's nothing more than a slowdown. In any case there are pros and cons. Bottom line, there are many different friends out there with many different characteristics. The few touched seem to stand out more than the others. Everyone handles every situation differently and personalities tend to mix well or clash, which is something to be aware of when considering friendship. Friendship is not simply calling someone a friend. Friendship is being there for another human being, learning from them, teaching them, supporting them, showing acts of kindness, and giving them a quick kick in the ass when needed. In the end it is a very difficult if not impossible bond to break. Friends have different personalities, but being aware of who is chosen and holding on to someone you care about is important for having a social life and healthy relationships.