It also gives women the opportunity to be intimate with someone without having to be exclusive or commit time and energy to a serious relationship. The fact that most young people of both sexes, but especially women, are increasingly career-focused allows for romantic interaction that fits into their lives. This is arguably becoming more acceptable thanks to the feminist movement and easy access to contraception which allows young women to gain sexual gratification without having to worry about being pregnant or being shamed as badly. However, as pointed out in Sex on The Brain, the pill also reduces sexual desire in women, making them less likely to want to have sex. The woman also has the power to choose which sexual acts occur during an encounter, which in itself can be empowering and explain why the definition of an encounter is different between men and women. While the man considers it a meeting or a success only if he ejaculates in some situations, the woman considers it a meeting if she gives up control and allows herself to kiss or caress. Again, these are generalizations, but given the way individuals have been socialized by the media it makes sense