IndexIntroductionReview of the film "Inside Out"Summary "Inside Out"IntroductionInside Out is a 2015 animated comedy-drama film directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Ronnie del Carmen and produced by Pixar Animation Studios was planned in 2010 when Docter noticed changes in his daughter's personality as she grew up film revolves around the mind of an 11-year-old girl named Riley a wonderful life until her family moves to a new city and her emotions start to get out of control. We are introduced to 5 main emotions which are described as characters; Joy, a bubbly, positive and energetic individual who everyone wants to be with around, boring and pessimistic, and then we have Disgust, he is a kind, judgmental, socially suspicious little girl, he is constantly worried, nervous and irrational and finally Anger, he is harsh and short-tempered. The film's producers consulted numerous psychologists and scientists who have studied emotions. The 5 emotions that were most commonly agreed upon were those that made the final cut of the film. The doctor realized that as he got older he would acquire new emotions, he described this transition from little Riley who only had two emotions, sadness and joy, but when she reached 11 years old she acquired other emotions such as disgust, anger and fear. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on "Why Violent Video Games Shouldn't Be Banned"? Get an Original Essay “Inside Out” Movie Review The overall theme of this movie is “happiness is not just joy.” Just like Chinese philosophy; yin and yang suggesting that in every good there is evil and in every evil there is good. Even if these forces seem opposite, they are complementary, they originate from each other and are interrelated with each other. Likewise, sadness and joy go hand in hand. To truly experience happiness we must embrace the emotion of sadness instead of shying away from it. Initially, they described how Joy wanted Riley to be happy all the time and rarely let sadness take over the console even when it was necessary, but as the film progresses Joy understands the importance of sadness and they eventually take loaded with Riley's emotions. creating a hybrid memory of happy and sad memories and, as I would like to call it, bittersweet memories. When Joy wanted Riley to be constantly happy even when times were hard, it made her temporarily happy, however whenever she wasn't checking the console all Riley felt was empty and numb, showing how Riley was truly sad and missed her old hometown and his friends. Maybe all he needed was to cry and let his parents know how he felt instead of repressing it and trying to be happy all the time. We have all shed tears before and somehow after crying we feel so much better, why? That's because "tears contain leucine-enkephalin, a natural painkiller, which may be a factor in why you feel better after a good cry." Therefore, at the end of the show, when Riley cries in her parents' arms, she immediately smiles and feels comforted. If she had been allowed to feel the emotion of sadness sooner, perhaps it would have prevented her from experiencing all those painful days and the scary thought of running away from home. Likewise, when Riley was going through all those emotions, I was going through it too and seeing it on screen helped me manage my emotions and understand that it's okay to be sad and it's okay to cry so I can move forward. The film sheds light on so many interesting concepts, the first being that we have so many different memory bubblesemotions and once they are not visited they fade away and are permanently erased from our memories and replaced by newer memories. The second is that we all have different personality traits that were portrayed as islands in the film that make us who we are; for example, Riley had the Island of Friendship, Family, Sillyness, and Honesty when she was 11, and as she grew up she gained more personality traits. We all change as we get older, I know I have, I'm sure you have too. When I was younger I was very outgoing and bubbly, but when I turned 12 I lost that sense of spontaneity and openness due to my circle of friends, but I regained it when I turned 15. Riley became less foolish and dishonest when she was unhappy, we all have our own experiences that alter our personalities. Since all five emotions are personified, the film reflects how different personalities are treated. In today's society, depressed individuals are often rejected and mocked while positive individuals are celebrated. For example, Joy was bubbly, positive, and a leader, so everyone looked up to her and believed that she was the only one who could take responsibility and knew what was best for Riley. Being positive made others have a positive impression of her. On the other hand, Sadness was often rejected by others and because she was so pessimistic and always thought the worst, no one believed in her and her abilities, which is why she became even more depressed than she already was. As terrible as it may sound, it is true: “happy people want to be with happy people, while unhappy people attract unhappy people and create misery together.” As much as people should make an effort to help these unhappy people, the fact is that you are responsible for your own happiness, and as the saying goes, "No one can help you if you can't help yourself." It must work both ways, society must help these individuals to be understood and these individuals must make an effort to find happiness on their own. The director wanted to convey how human feelings influence and change relationships. When Riley was unhappy and upset, it affected her relationship with her parents and her best friend. She became distant, dishonest and rude towards her parents, as well as being jealous and angry at her friend, which caused them to drift apart. This shows how negative emotions between two individuals can cause a rift. The director also wanted to encourage viewers to take the time to understand the behavioral patterns of those around them. Because everyone is wired differently, we only learn why people behave a certain way after we study and understand them, which helps us communicate and form better bonds with those around us. us. According to Leo Barraclough (2015), "the film was made to have differentiation between the real world and the human world even though both were animated." The real world had imperfections made with the help of lens distortion that added texture to the film, while the mind, i.e. the human world, was imaginary, perfect and virtual. The film's color palette played an important role in the costume and makeup. of the characters since all the emotions were created with colors associated with the evocation of those feelings; Meaning what; Joy was yellow screaming happy, vibrant and cheerful. The sadness was blue from top to bottom, which showed how sad he felt. Green was associated with disgust and red with anger. The filmmakers used camera scaling to show Riley's perspective and growth, making everything more