In the Harry Potter series, Rowling created a world full of magic, imagination, and witchcraft. In terms of fantasy fiction, fantasy is defined as “the literature of unreality” or as “literature that does not prioritize realistic representation.” Usually, fantasy genre works take place in a fictional world where magical and supernatural creatures are common and prevalent. The Harry Potter novels revolve around an orphaned boy, who enrolls in Hogwarts school, and his adventurous contest with the evil wizard Voldemort who acts as the Dark Lord in several ways. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on "Why Violent Video Games Shouldn't Be Banned"? You get an original sage Voldemort as a character and the Dark Lord is split into many different forms that together create the main evil. Voldemort creates a way to defeat Harry in every book and there seem to be several different types! He usually appears supernaturally as a frightening figure who threatens or betrays Harry. These different ways come after the murder of Harry's parents, Voldemort himself explains the strange turn of events. He said: “My curse has been deflected by the foolish sacrifice of the woman, and has come upon myself. Aaah... pain beyond pain, my friends; nothing could have prepared me for this. I was torn from my body, I was less than spirit, less than the meanest ghost…. but still I was alive. What I was, I don't even know.... I had no body. Through Voldemort's attack on Harry, he is "physically reduced to something less than human, something that needs care and support from his followers to survive." Thus, he usually appears supernaturally as a frightening figure who threatens or betrays Harry. To survive in his, "Voldemort's only option for survival is to draw life from the body of another human being." So, first it attaches itself like a parasite on Professor Quirrell's body. He hides his face inside Quirrell's turban to cover an unusually shaped head. After Quirrell's death, Voldemort disappears in search of another source of life. It can also "configure and transform into different sizes and shapes." He appears to be a dark figure who moves around Hogwarts like a snake Nagini and like Dementors who, according to Dumbledore, are Voldemort's natural allies. The serpents or serpents of the Harry Potter series play a significant role in the text due to their negative associations with death and destruction through their involvement with Rowling's evil villains. Like the serpent, Dementors do not materialize in any other type of form. or color. This principle can apply to ghosts and spiritual apparitions: they can appear in certain ways and only for short periods of time. These different versions have transitioned and transformed into this dark and menacing form to continue their evil and malevolent ways. All these versions are overwhelming with darkness and darkness. Voldemort tries to attack Harry in a dark side, a secret side. Through the interview on “Shadow people and how to deal with negative energy and being dark”, Natali underlines…… The strategy of his attack “could be a form of mind control or manipulation, working in some way on the subconscious mind (Harry's). It establishes a strong sense of 'presence' and is something that (he) cannot forget” Interview, “Interview about shadow people and how to deal with negative energy - Podcast” It appears in Harry's life in different conditions with different versions. It's dark, wild, disturbing and disturbingly fascinating. No light passes through it at all. It is suggested that his darkness is a form”.