As I not only reflected on what the composer experienced, I was able to think back to a time in my life when I had experienced something similar. For example, in the show choir we sang the song "The Distance You Have Come" during my sophomore year. When I hear that song, I think back to my freshman year, when our choir wasn't respected or even thought of by anyone in the choir community or our high school. By the time my senior year was over, people were talking about us all over Ohio and surrounding states. Thinking about how far my choir has come in the last 4 years brought tears to my eyes, just knowing that with the help of a new choreographer, he has shaped us and allowed us to become something greater than we were . Being in the position where no one cared, I put my mind in the perspective of equality. I've been places where no one even wanted to clap when we performed, and now the entire school shows up to support and volunteer for our competition. I earned respect for caring about others who went through the same treatment. While I had respect not only for those who had been treated equally, I developed a higher level of respect for those who were there beside me despite all the neglect our choir was subjected to.