A man allegedly charged with first-degree murder has gone on trial to see what his sentence will be. People are outraged and protesting his being put on death row. The victim's family and friends are traumatized and seeking revenge for the person they lost, hoping that Canada can bend the rules just once to get the justice they think they deserve. On the other hand, the prisoner sits in the courtroom awaiting the verdict that will ultimately change his life forever. He has only two options: if found guilty he will receive a life sentence, if found innocent he will be set free. Or there is always the third choice, the death penalty. How far will the battle have to go to stop him from killing? This could mean reintroducing capital punishment in Canada. There is the theory of an eye for an eye or even the possibility of an unjust conviction. As in any debate, there are pros and cons, all weighed down to the ultimate question: should Canada use the death penalty or continue to use life imprisonment? Although most inmates in the United States do not use the death penalty, there are some who still do under certain circumstances. Canada is a country that does not have a province or territory that has used the death penalty, but Canada has not always used life imprisonment. Between 1892 and 1961, the death penalty was applied in Canada and the result was death by hanging. It was only in 1914 that the death penalty was questioned and the first bill to abolish it completely was introduced. In 1954, rape could no longer be considered a death penalty. In 1964, Parliament divided homicides into capital and non-capital categories. It took a long time, but the first time the bill to abolish the death penalty was discussed... middle of the paper... serli , Joe. . (2010, December 10). In a nutshell. Retrieved from http://www.balancedpolitics.org/death_penalty.htm• Munroe,. (2010, October 31). Canada online. Retrieved from http://canadaonline.about.com/od/crime/a/abolitioncappun.htm• Phil B., . (2010). Phil for humanity. Retrieved from http://www.philforhumanity.com/Capital_Punishment.html• Robinson, Bruce.A. (2007, August 07). Religious tolerance. Retrieved from http://www.religioustolerance.org/executb.htm• Skerrit,. (2009, February 3). News from Dominica. Retrieved from http://www.dominica-weekly.com/news/prime-minister-roosevelt-skerrit-supports-the-death-penalty/• Tackaberry,. (2000, April). International amnesty. Retrieved from http://www.amnesty.ca/deathpenalty/canada.php• Tempest, Rone. (2008, June 30). Focus on the death penalty. Retrieved from http://www.deathpenalty.org/article.php?id=42