Topic > Pros and Cons of the Jury System - 1162

Their jury system came from other similar courts within even older systems. “Of course trial by jury is one of our sacred cows” (Document B). What this person is saying is that we have a lot of respect for our jury system and we don't like to criticize it. While it may seem like we overestimate it, the jury system still brings things to the table that other routes can't. Some of Mark Twain's writings in Document F show that people who have a lot of knowledge about a case cannot be selected as jury members. Mark Twain himself did not like this and it is evident in his writings that the members of the jury were not very intelligent because they knew nothing about the case. Looked at this way, the jury system seems bad and is correct, but the example was used for something that happened more than a century ago. Our jury system has been through good times and bad times and has changed with the people in our society. “Jury service has a special role in ensuring popular control in the judicial process” (Document C). Once again our framers knew that having a jury system would be especially important in the future as our nation developed more. The jury system was created to be used hundreds of years after its establishment and will continue to do so