The Death Penalty in the United States Capital punishment ensures that the victim's family gains a greater sense of security, ensuring that the criminal can be punished to the fullest extent for the his crime and honor the punishment. The issue of capital punishment has created divisions and tensions in our country. The controversy in our society is whether the death penalty/capital punishment serves as a justified form of punishment. Justice can be served by imposing the death sentence for murder. Serial killers are the most repugnant individuals in our society. They will no longer be able to terrorize innocent people (religious tolerance). Therefore, the death penalty ensures that there is no next victim of this killer. Of course, this is one reason why the death penalty remains an effective deterrent for murderers and those who commit other heinous crimes, regardless of the arguments those on the other side of the issue may make. Sentencing for murder appears to become less severe as time passes. . Crime is rampant and out of control. There must be a system to prevent these people from committing such serious acts (Balanced Policy). Time spent in prison is often a means to stop some; but much more needs to be done to prevent recidivism. In some court cases, prosecutors and judges should have a wide range of punishments available that can reduce the crime rate (Balanced Policy). A judge could sentence a person to life in prison; but the criminal justice system can free that same person after ten or fifteen years in prison. Because we must put our trust in a justice system that will let these vicious criminals out into society after ten or fifteen years in prison (death penalty). The judge can impose a life sent... middle of paper ......otes on the families of victims who were served justice in the United States (2005 to 2010). Network. 3 March 2011. justice-has-been-served>." - Death penalty (for and against, arguments for and against)." - Free, balanced and impartial discussion of political and social issues for debate (Pros and Cons - Decision Making Policy). Network. 04 March 2011."Facts about capital punishment: the death penalty." by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Network. 09 February 2011. "The death penalty". UMKC School of Law. Network. February 14, 2011.