Being drum major is probably the most important and most influential part of membership. While vital, it is more than directing and using technique correctly. The opportunity afforded to those worthy of nomination is also to influence, inspire, teach and learn from the group. Lasting only (approximately) three months, the marching season crowns you as the head of a large family that works together, grows together and sweats together. Together is the key word. In terms of general leadership, there should undoubtedly be a hierarchy, but on the field it is more advantageous to govern from a round table, meaning in a broad sense that there is no absolute superiority to seek retribution against someone's mistake. No progress is made by simply barking orders and scolding rudely at the drop of a hat, and a drum major should demonstrate this ideal. I would like to be the drum major so that I can educate those who still stumble, not only physically, but also mentally, encouraging hard work, consistency, friendship, and feelings of unity and compassion in every heart on the field. always chosen based on the content of their character and their skill/experience. Traits such as ambition, dedication, helpfulness, pride, focus and respect are just a few perfect examples of what I possess that qualifies me for the role of drum major, all equally important. Ambition: Since I started the band in 6th grade, I wanted to advance as far as possible. Today, I have years of experience in all-county, all-district, solo and ensemble, advanced band honors/credit, and knowledge of instruments other than my own, all by initiative. During marching season, I always manage to train on time, do sit-ups... halfway through the paper... we find ourselves thinking, 'but I was just trying to help, I did something good.' This quote can be related to the band because we must understand that communication is extremely important. Misunderstandings cause conflict, and if the two in conflict both communicated how they feel, they might find their problem resolved faster than it started. In conclusion, I believe that my personality trait points: ambition, dedication, helpfulness, pride, focus and respect have shown that I have an exceptional mindset; and the information I provided about my skills and experiences, such as having been in the high school band for three years and two different leadership categories, proved that I have leadership skills. I hope to obtain the highest rank of the group (besides director) and use it to be an educator, motivator, facilitator and learner in the coming year.