“77% of kids believe that kids get into trouble when they are left alone with nothing to do” (Rizzolo). Children often get into trouble when they are bored and have nothing to do because they want to do something, but don't know what. This leads children to do what their parents normally don't allow them to do. “Young people ages 12 to 17 who are often bored are 50 percent more likely than those who are not often bored to smoke, drink, get drunk, and use illegal drugs” (National University Center on Addiction and Abuse of substances). When teenagers are bored, they look for ways to entertain themselves. In most cases this leads to drug and substance abuse, but sports tends to take up all the free time where teenagers could get into trouble. Those on the other side of the issue might say that sports keeping teenagers out of trouble is false because it can be argued that on-field violence against a rival can lead to more off-field violence directed toward loved ones. This point may be true, but it is not important because sports help prevent teenagers from causing problems when they are bored. “Boredom is a major cause of emotional hunger across all age groups” (Better You). When teenagers are bored, they tend to do things that keep them busy. Eating is a habit that keeps you busy while satisfying your taste buds. If a teenager is bored too often, this can lead to specialization