al., discuss the connection between shame and guilt and the effects it has on children and adolescents. I think it was a good decision on the part of the experimenters to conduct two different studies. I also liked how the second study included older children than those in the first study. However, I don't think that using The Attackment Questionnaire for Children (AQC) exclusively was the best choice. Muris et al. don't delve into how shame and guilt can be created in a child. In the introduction, Muris et al. only discusses the topic of the child's attachment or lack of attachment to primary caregivers. I think that to understand the level of attachment that a child has towards an adult it must be measured through observation. The questionnaire unconsciously “tricked” the students into choosing the answer that showed their level of attachment, but I think Munis they could have used the questionnaire and observation to improve their experiments. I also liked how Munis et. al. used the self-awareness scales of maladaptive and adaptive emotions (SCEMAS) and assessed attachment with the