“In recent years, Bahrain's state-run radio and television has diversified its programming and covered a broader spectrum of topics, including women's issues, violence against women, and the political rights of women” (3). The number of female journalists in Bahrain has steadily increased over the years due to the freedoms afforded to them with women's suffrage. There are also numerous women's organizations that conduct seminars and conferences on women's rights. Many women even specialize in legal careers. While there is no law prohibiting a woman from serving as a judge, there are currently no women holding a judicial position. “However, six women currently participate in the judicial system through the King's appointment to the position of Attorney General” (3). Women face difficulties in gaining influence in Bahraini community life. “The complete lack of female representation on local municipal councils tends to place women's priorities and needs low on the community agenda. The councils have not shown much initiative in communicating with women's organisations, nor have they undertaken studies to assess women's needs”