The disciple named John is the author of the book John of the New Testament. This is the disciple Jesus loved, and he was prominent in the early church. John was very familiar with the Jewish way of life and knew the hostility between Jews and Samaritans. John appeared to reflect on what an eyewitness would have seen during the events that occurred while Jesus was on this earth. In John chapter 4 he tells the stories of “Jesus and a Samaritan woman” and “Jesus heals the officer's son.” Then Jesus used parables as a message to the people. With the women at the well he had a message for her. Jesus' message was not just addressed to the Jews, but to the world (which included the Samaritans). Women were the first to believe that Jesus was their Savior, and many would come after that day. Jesus told her: if you knew the “gift of God” and who I was, you would ask for “living water” and you would receive it. The “gift of God” is clearly a reference to God's promise of the Messiah and may also be the “gift” of his coming to bring the truth, the “living water”. That in the Bible the phrase “living water” is the message of salvation in Christ. Then the women responded like Nicodemus to the Lord. She didn't immediately understand who Jesus was. She said what was obvious to her, Jesus had nothing with which to give her water from the bottom of the well. He didn't understand the meaning of this so-called “living water” and wanted to know what the difference was from the ordinary water that everyone drank. She simply asked him if he thought he was bigger than the man who dug the well and could give her a bigger source of water. Jesus answered his question by saying, “Those who drank from the water in the middle of the paper…believe in him. It has all types of teachers, even the physical one. So why is it so difficult for a person to believe that God is the one to follow and believe in? It is because we as people are inventing all kinds of religions that will make others believe and follow them. But in the end we will see who is right and who is wrong. But God hopes that all the people he created in advance will follow him. So we believers, the prophets of God, should send the true meaning of Salvation and how we can all receive it. And it's really simple, it's simply believing in the one true God. The One who created the whole earth in six days and created man. And he who created a woman from a man, there is no other way to go, and he is placed before us all and yet somehow we continue to go astray. God only wants everyone to believe in the truth and not in some made up lie.