Topic > 001) citing Quinsey et al., 1989; Sakkeim and Osborn, 1999; Sakheim, Osborn and Abrams, 1991; Saunders & Awad, 1991, it has been reported that young arsonists are more likely than other groups of young people to show cruelty towards children or animals, as well as to have difficulties with enuresis. Justice, Justice, and Kraft (1974) ask whether the ego triad (interchangeable with the Macdonald triad) is an adequate predictor of violent behavior in adulthood. They stated that the ego triad has been found to occur largely concurrently with factors that may be predictors of adult violent behavior. Based on the findings of the Slavkin (2001) study, he concluded that the hypothesis tested in his study was that the presence of enuresis and animal cruelty in young arsonists would be significantly related to repeat fires. It also found that although animal cruelty appears to have a potential predictor of repeat fires, it is most likely an externalizing behavior that is strongly correlated with delinquency. Justice, Justice, and Kraft (1974) argued that the ego triad occurs largely at the same time as factors that might be better predictors or violent adult behavior.