Topic > Marriage, Marriage, and the Pros and Cons of Same-Sex Marriage

It is our constitutional right to vote for whoever wants to, and we have the freedom to speak freely. I could go on and on about all our constitutional rights, but the one constitutional right we don't have is to love who we want to love. The government said that we must marry someone of the opposite sex, but today things are changing. Our constitutional right should be to fall in love with who we want and marry who we want. The government should not be able to tell you or me who we should love and who we should have a family with. In conclusion, whether you look at our past family traditions, our culture or religion, or our constitutional right to same-sex marriage, we must agree that we live in a different age and should not be forced to deny ourselves the lifestyle we choose to live. Same-sex marriages occur, and these families are free to live the happy lives they want. They have the freedom to express their beliefs and how they feel. If you love someone of the same sex or are in a heterosexual relationship, you should be able to fall in love, marry that person and live as you wish