Topic > Analysis of a Symphony Orchestra by Elgin - 1772

The “Allegretto” movement was much larger and half piano, which completely changed the characteristics provided by the first movement. At the beginning of the movement each note was dragged out and the leading sounds were provided by the deeper sounding instruments such as the bass and cello. However, once the orchestra got to the center of the movement, the notes became more staccato but the orchestra continued to play lower-sounding notes. The unusual aspect of this was that normally when notes become staccato elements such as pitch and tone become higher, but in this case the piece was left with a deeper sound with the cellos and backing tracks still making the most part of the sound. I believe the second movement was played in the key of A minor because the piece was a bit “energetic” but above all it had a deep sound and contained many lower sounding notes. I imagine the movement was in double variation form because at first I heard a main melody with violins and violas, but then the melody moved to the deeper instruments. All in all the movement was executed very well. The way the orchestra handled the two melodies was quite unique and was the highlight of the concert