Rockstar Games is known for three things: open world video games, strong protagonists, and extremely controversial games. Rockstar's best-selling video game series, Grand Theft Auto, is perhaps the most controversial game series of all time. The original GTA caused so much controversy that it was condemned in Germany, Britain, France and Brazil. Whether you're torturing innocent victims, killing civilians in the streets, or going to a strip club, Rockstar Games makes sure to fill their games with content that gets people talking. This policy also applies to Rockstar's latest addition to its extensive video game catalogue: Grand Theft Auto V. In addition to huge success, GTA V has also sparked huge controversy. Whether it was the game's depiction of torture, its not-so-subtle hints at sexism, or its overly (sometimes needlessly) violent gameplay, adults (especially parents) everywhere were, and still are, outraged. Many parents believe that the content of the game is not suitable for children and is polluting young people. Of course, as the best-selling video game of 2013, there are still millions of people who love GTA V in all its bloody, violent, and sexual glory. These people are die-hard fans of the franchise, and when put in a room with an anti-Grand Theft Auto activist, heads are sure to clash. There are countless articles online arguing for or against Grand Theft Auto V, but they all seem to miss the point. Rockstar Games does not force people to buy its games. Rockstar Games creates the game and puts it on shelves, but it's up to parents to choose whether or not to purchase the game for their children. September 17, 2013 marked a monumental day for the video game industry..... .middle of paper......ason to have this war against Rockstar Games, or violent video games in general. Nobody forces parents to buy these games. If a parent knows what GTA V contains and chooses to purchase it for their child, then that is their right. If you are a parent who feels that GTA V is not suitable for your children, you do not have to buy it for them. However, everyone parented differently. Some parents are confident in the way they have raised their children and believe that their children have strong enough minds to not be influenced by the game. However, if a parent decides to purchase the game for their child, they should be involved. The game is full of violence, sex and drugs, which are not the best things to subject children to. GTA V might actually be a good way to give parents the opportunity to talk about these sensitive issues with their children.