Public schools, private schools, boarding schools, everything. Nowadays, there are many different types of schools. But sometimes another type of school passes through our thoughts. The kind of school that not many people know much about, different from the “normal” schools we have today. That school is called homeschooling. Homeschooling is simply that: the process by which students (most often parents' children) are taught lessons and arithmetic within the confines of their own home or a specific building. But a question always arises that strikes the interest of many: “Are homeschooled children that different from children who attend traditional schools?” According to, homeschooling came first. Many parents have criticized homeschooling, claiming that homeschooling has a negative effect on homeschooling. the social life of students, and educates them to be more isolated from the rest of the "outside world". However, in an analysis published by Widener Law Review titled “Homeschooling: Constitutional Analysis in Light of Social Science Research:,” research showed that “homeschooled students score as well or better than children traditionally schooled on widely used social development measures. " In the article, the authors delve into how home-schooled students excel compared to students in traditional schools. In terms of work life, “home-schooled adults are also well prepared to participate in the economic sphere. They have skills entrepreneurial and are desirable employees.” This means that although many critics attack the ideals of homeschooling, there is a solid foundation that parents can build on when deciding on the best course of education schools are essential to creating a better society for every person on earth. Therefore, although there are arguments in favor of homeschooling and arguments in favor of traditional schools, each type has different aspects depending on the judgments of the children's guardians. Instead of arguing about what is best, a more important goal would be to come together and accept each other as they are, regardless of how they behave in social settings or what grades they get on recent tests. Each person is given certain gifts and talents and the use of these talents combined together can form a great unity and make the world better.