Class is a set of concepts in society about who is who and who has a say and who doesn't. They are usually divided into upper, middle and lower classes. I grew up in a country where class was distinct. Class prevailed in every part of society. Rich kids didn't serve detentions in school while the rest of us did. Rich kids could afford to wear new uniforms while the rest of us wore old, torn uniforms. The rich kids ate well at the canteen while the rest of us ate once and ate local food which was unhealthy called akara and boli. Rich kids could afford to go to school parties and wear the nicest clothes, while the rest of us couldn't. Rich children could become privileged while the rest of humanity. This idea is that talented people are more successful than even people with money and privilege. This idea assumes that people get what they want in life only because of individual characteristics and attributes. The reality is that this is not true because people get better in life because of their class privilege and wealth. The myth is the American dream that if a person works hard enough they will make it in life and get the resources they want to live a good life. That is to say, if a person does the right thing at the right time, he will achieve great success. It's a myth because it doesn't work that way. The system doesn't work the way people actually think it works. Wealth is shared unequally among individuals in the United States. For example, some individuals receive inheritance while others do not. It would not be fair to say that individuals without heritage are not talented enough. The idea is also seen in the race. A white person who is not as talented as a black person can get ahead because of their color. In the United States, because it is the land of the free, people believe that they can get where they want in life through hard work and talent, but that is a myth. People get ahead in life thanks to their economic or social status. Background, education, wealth, and race are all examples of what advances a person