Unlike the land of Lilliput, the institutions by which the lives of the people of Brobdingnag are governed are not built on vice. On the island of Brobdingnag, Gulliver is to the giants as the Lilliputians were to Gulliver. This is a metaphor in which the giants are large to represent humanity's compassion and to highlight the flaws of Gulliver, who represents English society. For example, Gulliver fills with pride when asked to describe European society to the king of Brognignag, confessing to the reader that he “would have wished for the language of Demosthenes or Cicero, which would have enabled me to sing the praises of my dear native.” Country in a style equal to its merits and happiness (Swift 116).” However, after telling the king all about his homeland, the king is amazed by the corruption plaguing European society. According to the