Topic > Case Study on the Collapse of Bangladesh - 1094

Rana. “The ends justify the means,” is basically the mantra he lived by. It didn't matter if he took some shortcuts in the factory's development or put his employees at risk. What mattered was the result, the money. He was maximizing profit. Unfortunately, companies have found ways to cut corners since the beginning of time. There would be no way to enforce the rules, especially if there were people like Mr Rana, who pay officials to "look the other way". Ethical point of view: it would be the “duty” of each company to find the BEST safety standard for their factories in order to satisfy this approach. Driven morally, there would be no greed or shortcuts. It would be the obligation of companies to maintain the safety of their employees at the highest levels. Virtue Ethics View: Someone who practices virtue ethics would achieve this approach with ease. Each company has the freedom to decide its own safety regulations while maintaining its personal integrity intact. It would be a good judgment of character on the part of those who make decisions about safety regulations to see how far companies will go, to keep their employees safe and