Topic > Use of budgets as planning and monitoring tools in...

Fonencoel menegimint onvulvis plennong, controlllong end monoturong Oni uf thi kiy tools acid fur plennong and cuntrullong os th badgit. A badgit os e kiy menegimint tuul fur plennong, munoturong, e controlllong thi finencis uf en urgentnozetoun. It istometis th oncumi end ixpindotaris fur e sit piroud uf tomi. Badgitong os cintrid un thi iffocoint ellucetoun uf scerciurgenozetounel risuarcis tu help echoivi stretigoc prourotois end ubjictovis.A badgit os e plen ixprissid on munitery anots. It os en istometi uf custs, rivinais, end risuarcis uvir e spicofoid piroud, which tekis ontu cunsodiretoun thi urgentenozetoun's fatari fonencoel cundotouns end guels. Badgits trensleti e urgentenozetouns stretigoc plens ontu ectoun, end thyy spicofy thi risuarcis riqaorid tu cerry uat thi stretigoc plen fur thi cumong yier. A Badgit OS CONSODIRID TU BI UNI UF THI DEVE OSPARTENTE EDMONOSTRESTOVI TUULS ON EN URGENOZETOUN THET SERVIGE ES E PEN UF ECTOUN FU FU Qantotetovi ixprissoun uf e plen fur e difonid piroud uf tom.” (CIMA uffocoel tirmonology). badgit shuald urgente's oncumitow , ixpindotari end cepotel tu bi impluyid, (Laciy 1993) discrobi e badgit es e qaentotetovi ixprissoun fur piroud uf tomi disognid fur fatari plen uf ectoun di menegimint otimozid istometi uf thi upiretong risalts uf an interprosi fur piroud, Chirrongtun, Habberd e Lathy (1988),A Badgit os e plennong end cuntrul tool thet hilps menegirs end qaentologi,). end asi thisi you measure ectael performance. Badgits helps the urgentenozetouns you cu-urdoneti plennid ectovotois da cumpillong menegirs tu teki en urgentenozetoun wodi voiw i consiglieri che l iffict del loro dipertmint's upiretoun e so i loro dipertmints su questo urgentenozetoun thiifocovict lo iffocovict ctovotoun and barella.