There is a growing number of veterans who are routinely discharged from the service without knowing what they will do for a job, what they will do for housing, and what benefits they are entitled to after they have served our county. Most receive an honorable discharge, as opposed to an honorable discharge. There are many who have friends and family to rely on who have served in the military in the past and most have a working knowledge of Veterans Administration services. There are many who have no one to receive the form of past knowledge. These men and women may come from a family that believes in nonviolence to resolve the issue. They may come from families who have lost all remaining military family members and now know one to draw their experience from. They could have been orphans or foster children and joined at 16 or 17 to get out of the system earlier and back into their lives. Whatever the circumstances, these are the veterans who need more help than most. I have found that here in Wisconsin about 65% of veterans know what, how and who to see to find out what benefits are offered to them as veterans. The remaining 35% of these veterans neither know nor understand this. There are other services offered as well such as medical, dental, death care, military housing for singles and more. There is training for departing service members provided by all military services, however it is believed that a large portion of members do not attend these classes. It is believed that at least most participants do not retain the information presented to them. Some think it's useless information because they'll never need it. Some think: why do I need this? I will get a job and work my way up… halfway through… 20% will be placed in some type of educational training at some point in time. Approximately Haft uses their educational benefits and 25% have exhausted them. My target customer is the 25% who are trying to go to school. Mr. Belke says they place ads in the newspaper every quarter and the local radio station also airs ads, but most veterans who respond hear about them through word of mouth. I've watched as most veterans learn about this, and I'm trying to start a campaign to ask every veteran who comes into the office to tell not only their friends who are veterans, but everyone they meet in their everyday lives . I would also like to see posters and billboards throughout the county stating that all veterans should register at the local veterans office and county records office with discharge papers.