This was put in place so that the book would appeal to a certain reader. It follows many elements of a fictional work. It develops the plot well and gives you a complete insight into the characters and their backgrounds. This leads you to better understand the story as a whole. The author also shows how each character is influenced by the development of the conflict throughout the story. The reader is not left wondering how the character felt in a given situation. For example, when Amanda runs to tell Dawson her plans to run away with him, the author actually shows the reader what Dawson thinks about it. Dawson tells Amanda that her parents are right and that she needs to go to college and that she needs to forget about him. The author explains why Dawson feels this way even though he loves her. I expect readers to find this document in a magazine or online. In a magazine, this document would appeal to a specific demographic of readers such as mothers or just women in general. I feel that socially many readers will agree with my ideas and feelings on this matter