We need to get everyone to participate for the greater good of the company. It all starts with the company's leadership, including the board of directors and the CEO. I will put in place a system of checks and balances that will help avoid conflicts of interest and strong decisions. Promoting sound ethical practices begins with the dedication and commitment of the company's employees. They are the backbone of the organization and the very fabric of our success. After hiring, each employee will receive the mission statement, rules and guidelines and watch a short, detailed video on positive ethical business practices. Each employee will then sign a release stating that they understand and respect the established rules. We will publish federal rules, safety guidelines and competitive goals. I will encourage all employees to attend the annual board of directors meeting to express their opinion or make comments for improvement. Annual training programs will be put in place to ensure employee skills and development are up to date. Vacancy positions will be advertised first internally and then externally. This will allow our current dedicated employees to get a head start on the position before we hire anyone