During my junior and senior years I took engineering classes that sparked an interest in me that I hadn't had before. In those courses I realized that I really liked different aspects of automation, manufacturing and robotics. Through the influence of those lessons, I realized that I would like to pursue a career in engineering. Ultimately, I would like to go on to receive a Ph.D. in a field yet to be decided. I discovered that I have a passion for learning and understanding. To achieve my academic goals I had to start somewhere. I enrolled in the ASAP program to earn a liberal arts degree in 11 months instead of the traditional two-year route. From there I would like to get a career where I can stabilize myself financially for a couple of years and then go back to school to further my education and specialize in a certain field of design or manufacturing engineering. My motivation for college is to look back one day and tell everyone that anything is possible with hard work and