However it can also, like all art forms, encourage us to personal renewal and become a better version of ourselves. Sometimes, as I read, I find myself personally struck by the protagonist and other characters not only in the story, but also by the author's wonderful artistry. Jodi Picoult's work strikes me this way. His stories connect with me on personal levels at which I recognize where he is leading my thoughts and emotions, what strikes me as particularly unique about his work is the skill with which he can come up with a sentence. The greatest strength of literature that I have come to recognize in writing this essay, and across all art, is the ability it has to expand an individual's perspective. Literature expands our minds and opens our eyes to things we are unable to see, hear, and understand in our world. I truly believe this is the powerful and real effect of encountering all literature and art in our lives. Moving forward, the literature presents a very strong case for “thought expansion” in the way that the point of view of an individual person or society as a whole is explored alongside conceptual thinking, creative thinking, the overlooked power of “ simple vocabulary" and to the communication of the inner life of a writer. It helps you make sense of the world around you, for sure; reading was a defining experience in my life. Literature has become a great teacher. Literature showcases imaginative, emotional, intellectual, and verbal capabilities in the ever-changing world we live in