Topic > Yellow Fever Essay - 778

If they live in an area known to have yellow fever, they should consider vaccination. Or even if they are traveling to an area with yellow fever they should get vaccinated first. The vaccine is not expensive and is an extra precaution. In Africa there was a huge campaign to vaccinate three countries. These people ranged in age from 9 months to 45 years (WHO. Yellow fever in Africa and South America, 2014). Using mosquito repellent and proper clothing is the best thing to use. Also, if you don't need to be outside, staying indoors is probably the best thing to do. In case someone is infected, there is no known cure. Supportive care is mostly all a hospital can do. These supportive treatments would include provision of fluids and oxygen, maintenance of adequate blood pressure, replacement of blood loss, dialysis in case of kidney failure, and treatment of any other infections that develop (Staff, M. 2014). Once someone has had this disease they will be immune to it