appear anywhere and everywhere. Instead of using desktop computers, computing ubiquity has forced users to use computing concepts on any device, anywhere, and in different formats. Normally, ubiquitous computing is a wireless technology, which can be connected and accessible worldwide. As explained before, ubiquitous computing can occur anywhere, it may have multiple end users who will have multiple needs. To meet their multiple needs there would have to be multiple user interfaces, which would lead to high costs and increased maintenance burdens. So instead of using multiple user interfaces, you can use a single user interface which is an adaptive user interface that adapts and changes according to the user's needs. Using ubiquitous computing, microchips are embedded into objects so that the user is connected to the world around them. Technologies used Operating system, mobile code, sensors, microprocessors, mobile protocols, networks, Gold Fish, Linda base, Java framework, these are some of the underlying technologies used to support pervasive computing. Ubiquitous technology in real-time applications Ubiquitous Computing is valuable for users according to today's situation, this technology can be used everywhere and needs to increase transactions, new channels, markets, achieve better differentiation, loyalty and competition, it is necessary to reduce the cycle time efficiency of competition. The best example of ubiquitous computing can be illustrated in Figure 1.1. Everyone is interested in shopping, especially, girls will have more interest in shopping.1 But it is too irritating to follow every single dress selected. So, this is the best technology for customers to see themselves in the selected clothes with... middle of paper... role. The microwave also plays an important role in household needs that require you to set an exact time to prepare food. So, to overcome all this research, we are moving forward to embed microchips in everything, such as our walls, furniture, clothes, so that the user can be connected to the world around him. Ubiquitous computing is exploring every field such as mobile computing and human-computer interaction. This will have much less computing accessories present with the human being but more on the systems that require our attention. Conclusion Ubiquitous computing has played an important role in every possible activity of human computing. Ubiquitous computing is microchips, cell phones networked in a single room. It supports automated tools to capture information and replicate human tour guidance via portable technology. Using all these man is connected to the world around him.