States: “But sad mortality” which conveys a pain associated with mortality. The word choice here works to show how the poet feels pain and sadness as he writes. There is an extra syllable at the end of this line, the second, and this gives the line a weak ending. This shows the poet's lack of confidence in resisting the power of mortality. Mortality can overcome the mighty stone, brass, earth and boundless sea. The power of mortality is no match for them, it is superior. By giving the anger of mortality in the third line, it shows the fury of mortality and its destructive tendencies towards anything in its path. There is an interesting word choice at the end of this line in the use of the word “pleading.” The plea invokes begging, like being on trial in a courtroom. It gives the image of mortality as an unjust judge and beauty on trial. The poet then asks his crucial question at the end of the quatrain. How can delicate beauty stand a chance against mortality? Using the image of a flower, which is beautiful in nature, as a weak conclusion to the quatrain, it shows the delicacy of beauty against the violent anger and madness of