The project used the Nursing Teamwork Survey. This study design aimed to measure the teamwork demonstrated by nurses in the context of patients. The National Teamwork Survey focuses on the teamwork demonstrated by nurses in their work. The Nursing Teamwork Survey is a 33-item questionnaire that collects information from hospital staff regarding teamwork represented among nurses. Through teamwork, the quality of work and service delivery is expected to increase. The 33-item questionnaire had a Likert-type scale that aided in the estimation of teamwork among nurses by placing them between “always” and “rarely” (Kalisch & Lee, 2011, p. 84). The Nursing Teamwork Investigation used the literature to determine whether nurses exhibited aspects of teamwork and therefore predicted the quality of services they provided (Burns & Grove, 2009, p. 23). Using nursing staff and managers, the survey ensured that there was no bias and that the information collected was reliable. Furthermore, the survey included a wide range of questions, giving all participants a broad basis on which to make their claims. The survey also had internal and external validation and this improved the credibility and accuracy of the survey (Kalisch & Lee, 2011, p. 84). The survey also used nurse staffing indicators to demonstrate the various operations undertaken by nurses. By looking at nurses' presence time and hours per day per patient, the survey was able to capture the study's expectations. One of the threats to internal validity is the fact that the survey relied heavily on the trust and honesty of the participants and therefore, if the participants deviated from part... of the central part of the article, their impact will have on the results of the entire study. Independence ensured that the data collected were analyzed separately and consequently could not influence that of other groups. Works CitedBrewer, B.B. (2006). Team relationships, culture, safety and cost outcomes. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 28(6), 641–653.Burns, N., & Grove, S. K. (2009). The practice of nursing research: Evaluation, synthesis, and generation of evidence (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Kalisch, B. J., & Lee, K. H. (2011). Nurse staffing levels and teamwork: a cross-sectional study of patient care units in acute care hospitals. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(1), 82–88. Potter, P., & Grant, E. (2004). Understand the working relationships between RNs and unlicensed care personnel in designing care delivery strategies. Journal of Nursing Administration, 34(1), 19–25.