The nature of mankind has been explored endlessly. Human nature is the strangest thing on earth. Sometimes, some of them act like they are the nicest, and sometimes, they act the worst. Human nature depends solely on the circumstances surrounding them. Some choose to stay calm when in trouble, but at the same time some choose to be aggressive. Some change depending on their surroundings, but others simply choose to be as they are. Some choose to be themselves around people, but others just don't have much courage to show themselves. Some like to be ruled, but others like to be a ruler. Every individual on this earth is different from another. They behave, think, act and speak differently. Each individual has their own way of thinking and expressing themselves. Yet all individuals can be divided into two categories, one is the evil one and the other is the good/innocent one. Lord of the Flies is one of the best history books describing human nature of both categories; the bad and the good. After reading this book, only one question came to mind: “Are human beings intrinsically bad or good?” I've thought about this a lot and in my opinion we are inherently evil. I know this because we are constantly at war with someone every second of our life, children are somewhat selfish, and finally, twins in their mother's womb are always fighting for more space, food, and blood, etc. Most people will say that children are born pure and good. They have no idea what is wrong and what is right. But I really don't agree with this statement. I think humans are inherently evil. Let's look at the children's behavior, they don't care if someone...middle of the paper...ted and Ralph were chosen as the leader, Jack had some kind of jealousy and wanted to take Jack's place but it wasn't possible . “The choir applauded too; and the freckles on Jack's face disappeared beneath a blush of mortification. He stood up, then changed his mind and sat down again as the air resonated. Ralph looked at him, eager to offer him something. This quote perfectly describes the anger, jealousy, and hatred he felt towards Ralph when he became chief. The first time Jack acted like twins was in chapter four, when he had the pig hunted and was handing out the meat, he purposely missed the pig, leaving him in doubt, as a statement of power; but the piggybacks, by publicizing this omission, made greater cruelty necessary. They only compete for available resources in the mother's womb, which can lead to one fetus being absorbed by the other..