Topic > The Hippie Movement of 1960s America - 1419

Hippies: Known for their love of drugs and sex, they often deceived ordinary people about their intentions. In their minds, what they were doing was naively defending themselves and what they considered to be theirs; what they believed. They believed in their rights and wanted to do what they wanted; not conforming to the demands of life in the average society of the time. They wanted to create a culture where spiritual awareness was highly regarded (sometimes through psychedelic drugs), where everything was given freely, where everyone (even strangers) was considered brothers, where everyone valued peace, and where rights were freely granted to everyone. everyone. (Express yourself. (n.d.)) These rights would include everything from free love to laws against racial discrimination. Hippies thought that these desires (or needs) should be a given in society and that America was not a free land without this form of culture. However, when society refused to change, instead of giving up, hippies remained true to their beliefs and rebelled, creating their own counterculture. The purpose of the counterculture was to create a community in which there was a commonality of ideas and beliefs. The American hippie movement of the 1960s was strengthened by the drastic increase in the youth population due to the baby boomers, a longer adolescent period due to the improving economy, and the use of media and communications, such as TV and radical college newspapers . There were two reactions to the hippie movement: first, an angry uproar in all fifty states by the older upper classes, and second, an inspiration for some to try the hippie ways themselves. "A few" people soon turned into a rich co...... middle of paper ......ov/GI_Bill_Info/history.htm"Hippies A to Z by Skip Stone." Hip Planet: your portal to the Hip universe - Hip Planet. Network. 3 December 2009. .Hippies..... The philosophy of a subculture... Time Magazine. . (n.d.). The Farm. Retrieved February 3, 2010, from"1967 Hippie Temptation." The hippie temptation. CBS. Haight-Ashbury District, California, 1967. 1969 magazine. David Webster, October 18, 2009. Web. December 2, 2009. This Day in History 1967: 100,000 March on the Pentagon. (n.d.). The History Channel - Home Page. Retrieved February 3, 2010, from American Decades: 1960-1969 (American Decades). Chicago: Thomson Gale.