Topic > The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien - 2258

The Things They Carried TruthThe definition of truth is the epitome of what we all perceive as reality. The truth is what we sometimes think about in the back of our heads, but we are not sure if this truth is really “true”. The objective correlative is another term used to refer to truth. The objective correlative is getting enough people to feel the same emotion and agree on it. The objective correlative also refers to objective truth or facts. It's about making subjective truth become objective and then subjective for each person. The idea of ​​objectivity is that it is concrete, measurable and tested. This idea of ​​objectivity refers to the characteristics of what facts are. Over the course of this Ignition with Honors seminar, I have come to distinguish between two very useful and powerful words: subjective truth and objective fact. Subjective truth, as I understand it, is the truth. The only difference that separates it from universal or general truth is “subjective”. Our understanding of truth can cause arguments when trying to distinguish what is universally true. My definition of subjective truth, not necessarily perceived as true by others, is that the truth of something that happened may not be what actually happened to you, but what you felt happened to you. Objective facts, however, are based on facts that cannot be denied. They are legitimate and universal facts that everyone considers true, but everyone can give them a different interpretation. The main difference between subjective truth and objective fact is that subjective truth expresses one's experience when one understands objective fact. Subjective truth has no correct definition, but I define it as: Subjective truth has to do with subjectivity. Something on paper......the Vietnam War." End of the Vietnam War. U.S. Department of State, n.d. Web. March 20, 2014. "Gulf of Tonkin Resolution." History. com. A&E Television Networks, nd Web. 20 March 2014. “How the United States Got Involved.” BBC News, nd Web. 20 March 2014. “Battlefield: Vietnam.” PBS Online, 20 March 2014. .O' Brien, Tim. The Things That Carried Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990. "Overview of the Vietnam War.". 2014. .