From my class discussions I realized that there is a great imbalance in our research on leadership. We've discussed the definition, purpose, characteristics, and process, but every day after class I walk away feeling like we know less and less about the curious concept of leadership. It was only while discussing the lesson with a colleague that I realized that discussing leadership is an ironic way of learning about it. Leadership is expressed in action and many are considered natural leaders because they embody the concept we seek to capture. Learning about leadership requires emphasizing the important contributions of the body in the process of developing a leader. The way we currently learn leadership often leaves me confused and dissatisfied because the concept must be understood through action. New developments about the connection between human mind, body and consciousness play an important role in how we approach the development of future leaders. Applying new developments in student affairs practices can prove useful in developing a system to reach a broader audience of students. Leadership Education: A Mysterious Necessity Educating students to be leaders in their field is a noble mission because it aims to develop people who can positively influence outcomes toward a specific goal. It will take leaders to feed and house the world, resolve an increasingly multinational complex, and re-establish the value systems of nations built for the people. Education plays a valuable role in revealing information and knowledge about what it takes to lead effectively in a given field, but it is not effective enough in measuring the true value of its contribution to leadership development. .....a theory of authentic embodied leadership. The leadership quarterly. Retrieved from: Kupers & Statler (2008) Practically Wise Leadership: Toward an Integral Understanding of Culture and Organization. Retrieved from: (nd) Quote by Albert Einstein Retrieved from: everybody-is-a-genius-but-if-you-judge-a-fishOxford Dictionaries (nd) essay. Retrieved from: Harken, J. (2003) Budgets reduce the student experience. CNN. Retrieved from:, PH (2007) The endocrinology of personality, leadership, and economics. The University of Texas Austin.