Having an identity and finding yourself isn't always the easiest thing to do, luckily I think I've found myself and I'm proud of who I am and how I behave. Now, most people might not think that my point of view is the best way to approach life, but luckily I don't care what people think of me. I like to stand out and be different but not in a very obvious way; I'm a normal guy, I'm weird, random, strange and extraordinary and I've really accepted the fact that I'm quite apathetic. I have become an individual who doesn't really care about outside opinions; as long as I feel comfortable with myself and what I'm doing, everything is fine. I'll listen to your thoughts but won't pay much attention to them later. My way of thinking and reacting to certain events is more intuitive than analytical because I simply follow my feelings. I don't overanalyze anything because that takes the fun out of being spontaneous and I don't let others tell me what to do or what to decide. I do everything my way and even if I make mistakes I do it because that's how I feel...