Abnormal behavior is behavior dissimilar to what we call normal or behavior that is not united by the preponderance of the population. Mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia are forms of abnormal behavior. Abnormal behavior is doing things that are different from others that others might consider “strange.” For example, if someone tries to act a certain way as if it were funny, some people would consider it abnormal. Are societies that have drawn a line between what is normal and what is abnormal? Even if some behavior is not abnormal, people would still consider it abnormal behavior. According to people some behaviors they perform may not be seen as abnormal, but for some people the same behavior may be seen as abnormal behavior. There was a student in one of my classes, every time he came to class he would clean his desk properly before sitting on it. For some people this type of behavior would be normal and for some people it could be abnormal behavior. However, because of this it sometimes becomes difficult to describe what the anomalous behavior is? The same way people think about abnormal behavior due to the way some people behave, if we turn our attention to culture. There are different cultures present all over the world. Some people would find other people's culture strange or the way it is performed is not accepted by others