Homeless people can be classified into three groups; primary homelessness; those without adequate housing, secondary homelessness; also known as couch surfing and tertiary homelessness; such as guesthouses and caravan parks. These categories range from most severe to least severe, and secondary homelessness is the most common form of homelessness among youth. Youth homelessness is a widespread problem in today's society, as 100,000 people are homeless every night in Australia, at least half of whom are under the age of 25. Catholic Social Teaching summarizes the key principles of the Catholic Church and issues of justice between different groups in society. These principles, two of which clearly relate to the issue of youth homelessness, include; Life and dignity of the human person, Community and common good, Rights and responsibilities, Option for the poor and vulnerable, Dignity of work and workers' rights, Management and creation, Solidarity and the role of government. The two principles or themes Life and Dignity of the Human Person and Option for the Poor and Vulnerable broadly encompass the issue of homelessness and the intensity with which the Church works to help help and end this problem. The life and dignity of the human person are a principle theme of Catholic Social Teaching which is the foundation of all principles. It states that “all human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision of society”. The problem of homeless youth is only one of the problems that clearly violates the life and dignity of the human person, since these “young people” are voluntarily or involuntarily homeless. Consequently, they could also... half of the document ......and Peoples Development) –Pope Paul VI, 1967, judges this problem of homeless youth along with many other problems involving the poor or less fortunate as a injustice towards human beings. Therefore, in order to create solidarity among human beings, we must act on these issues, dedicating our time and resources. Youth homelessness is a pertinent and growing problem in today's society as the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. Catholic Social Teaching provides a set of principles that the Church follows and further addresses issues between different groups within society. The principles of life and dignity of the human person, as well as the option for the poor and vulnerable, broadly reflect this issue of social justice as each shows how the Church judges firmly and acts accordingly, together with many other problems. we are facing today.