“The Yellow Wallpaper” was first published in the 19th century by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and was rediscovered in the 20th century. The author is best known for her work and advocacy on political inequality and social justice, but is highly regarded for her writing on women's rights in the mirage. According to the protagonist and narrator of the story, the conventionally accepted bourgeois marriage of the nineteenth century, which defined a thin line between the functions of the woman (mainly housewife) and that of the hard-working and domineering male, led to the lack of women's full development potential in society. “If a high-ranking doctor, and one's husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing to worry about other than temporary nervous depression - a slight hysterical tendency - what is one to do? . . .So I take phosphates or phosphites, whatever it is, and tonics, and travel, and air, and exercise, and I am absolutely forbidden to "work" until I am well again. I personally do not agree with their ideas” (Gilman 545). In this passage the narrator uses very descriptive and vivid lines to show her dissatisfaction with her husband's authoritarian and anarchic behavior, how his medical situation is used as an obstacle to her movements and fulfillment. She wants to be free and engaged in daily activities like any normal person but these things are denied to her by her own husband who assures everyone that everything is fine. She is strongly against such treatment, but her opinion means nothing to him and he has no power to even contribute constructively to his treatment. The narrator is also seen in a position where she is told not to worry about her half...of a sheet of paper...taken away yards of that paper" (Gilman 636). The narrator has peeled off all the paper from finally frees the crawling woman believing that she too is free. The narrator is still in the same room as the children with the bars surrounding the windows paper The bars on the windows and the wallpaper represent what the narrator and the creeping woman had in common regarding being trapped. The yellow wallpaper is what suffocates and traps her and the narrator is fed up with being locked up.Once she tears and tears the horrible paper, she feels her soul escape from the prison that the nursery had become.The narrator is so relieved to be free on paper because it is destroyed, therefore it is at peace.