High School and College A very important part of life is education. To acquire a satisfactory education, you must complete high school before college. College and high school have two different levels of education, but both seek to deepen students' knowledge. Many recent graduates and college freshmen can clarify similarities and differences between the two. Some obvious similarities are that they both have tasks, classrooms, and students. While college and high school have many differences, three of the biggest ones are teachers, classes, and responsibilities. Teachers and university professors are one of the main differences. High school teachers often write notes on an overhead projector and recount important facts. They often take the time to remind you of tasks and deadlines. Many are available before or after class for one-on-one conversations. On the other hand, professors lecture nonstop expecting you to analyze the important facts. On the first day of class, professors hand out a syllabus and expect you to read and consult it. Mr...