How did the transition of Rhodesia into Zimbabwe occur during the years 1965-1979? Throughout the twentieth century, Rhodesia from the 1960s to the late 1970s was always fighting for its independence. They had to deal with the British settlers who had settled on their land and taken control of the country in the last two years. The decolonization of African countries after World War II gave Rhodesia many influences and reasons to try to become an independent country. This all changed when they gained full independence in 1980 and during that time they fought for control of their country, Rhodesia. The name was later changed to Zimbabwe due to a revolutionary struggle that occurred in their country. The battle to govern Rhodesia and also the internal settlement agreement between the fighting forces to find and create peace. The revolutionary struggle in Rhodesia took place to become an independent nation. First they began by eliminating white majority rule and replacing it with black majority rule. This was very important to the Rhodesians because they were tired of the white British settlers who had just taken over their land and started acting like it was their land. During this time the people of Rhodesia finally realized that they wanted to gain their independence and also get their land back. Therefore in Rhodesia a rebellion broke out against the English because the blacks felt unequal and there was a lot of racism between the two races. This hatred and racism between the English and Rhodesians in the country led to guerrilla warfare. For example, "in the mid-1960s blacks attacked settlers... middle of paper... operation changes the name of Rhodesia to Zimbabwe. Rhodesia passed to Zimbabwe between the years 1965-1979. After 15 years brutals of fighting for the right to rule and to gain full power. The black majority achieved their rule. They made this happen because collectively as a nation, the black majority of Rhodesia decided to unite and help fight the colonialist. British who had taken their land. They fought for the government of Rhodesia and got rid of Ian Smith and his Rhodesian government and had ZANU-PF take control. Furthermore, Robert Mugabe became the new president of the country and contributed to making the nation stronger than ever. That stable point in their government allowed them to govern their people and block their interests internally helping Rhodesia's transition into the country that is now known as Zimbabwe.