1.0 Basic Concept of Trust In this situation we have to understand the concept of trust and we will look at the UEL website and their security level, we will try to look at the structure or architecture of this website in particular on trust and risk management ways are a way to trick computer users into revealing personal information“To establish trust or confidence, there must be a binding of unique attributes in the website that will identify the unique identity. If the website has some elements of trust, it is commonly called authentication and will provide a trust relationship to users" (Andert et al 2002). Trust can be defined as an integral component involving many types of human interaction, which enables people to act under uncertainty with negative risks (Artz et al 2007) 1.1 Meaning of trust One way we can define risk is a problem that can be avoided or mitigated In some articles risk can be described as a situation which would lead to negative consequences. We can define trust as a binary relationship or a set of composite binary relationships that are based on individual identity or the validation of unique characteristics (Andert et al 2002)1.2 Role of trustThe role of trust is that to access the control policy of the web service provider along with user attributes and consists of three components; authorization interface, authorization manager and trust manager (Marijke, 2007)o Helps to minimize product misrepresentation and service Helps encourage customers to have confidence in conducting online business transactionso There is still no single standard view of trust and some authors have defined Trust is a characteristic and quality of security architecture.1.3 What is risk ...... half of the paper ...... half of optimization but now things have changed, people have been using the website to carry out their business and most of the consumers rely on Internet transactions, therefore, computer experts use a technology called phishing to deceive computer users and reveal personal and financial information, in this case attackers use this technology to rob several customers.o One of the aspects that make the consumer not to trust the site Web is unauthorized access to products and services purchased online. It is true that some online retailers can use customer information as they wish without obtaining customers' permission, for example by sending information to another vendor. Luhmann suggests that if we want to reduce the complexity of human conduct we must build good relationships with consumers by introducing “trust” (Luhmann, 1989)